Started on: 5/23/2021 ( days ago)
Last inspection: ( days ago)
Queen: Italian (poorly marked yellow)
Started as: 5-frame Nuc (supplier in Stoughton from craigslist)
Hive: Standard 10-frame Langstroth (supplier)
Foundation: Plastic/foundationless
Deeps: 1
Supers: 0
Inner cover orientation: Summer (notch up)
Date Time Weather Reason Queen spotted? Eggs spotted? Larvae present? Capped brood? # frames filled Fed sugar syrup? # stings Notes
5/24/2021 5:00 PM Temperate Nothing in particular N N DNL DNL 5 N 0 Opened without smoke and removed one frame, I think my suspicions are correct that all frames are honey frames.
5/23/2021 7:00 PM Cold Install nuc Y N N N 5 Y 0 Bought nuc, I think it only has honey frames. I saw the queen earlier in the day, she is poorly marked with yellow and was supposedly hatched a week ago.