Started on: 4/17/2021 ( days ago)
Last inspection: ( days ago)
Queen: Saskatraz
Started as: Package (supplier)
Hive: Standard 10-frame Langstroth (supplier)
Foundation: Plastic
Deeps: 2
Supers: 0
Inner cover orientation: Summer (notch up)
Date Time Weather Reason Queen spotted? Eggs spotted? Larvae present? Capped brood? # frames filled Fed sugar syrup? # stings Notes
5/22/2021 3:00 PM Hot Add second deep N N ? ? 9/9 Y 0 Added second deep, last frame was half-drawn, didn't inspect any others. Very hot.
5/15/2021 5:00 PM Warm & sunny Check frames Y Y Y Y 6.5/9 Y 0 Checked every frame, inspection went well, colony looks very good. Saw drone cells on tops of frames and other places
5/8/2021 3:30 PM Cooler, overcast Refill sugar syrup N N DNL DNL 5?/9 Y 0 Dropped inner cover at beginning and killed a few bees, dont do that again. Didn't look at any frames
5/1/2021 4:30 PM Warm, sunny, windy Check for brood Y N Y Y 4/9 Y 0 Need better smoker control & less smoke
4/24/2021 10:30 AM Warm, sunny Remove queen cage Y N DNL DNL ?/9 Y 0 Bees built comb in missing frame space, always replace missing frames
4/17/2021 3:00 PM Cold, drizzly Install package Y N N N 0/9 Y 0 Might have been too cold, bees didn't fly very much